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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Judge: ‘You have a choice – your husband or your guns’ - Ammoland.com

 Last week, a Florida judge forced Lisa Marok to renounce her Second Amendment rights, give up her Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL) and remove all firearms and every single round of ammunition from her home, even though she had not been accused of a single crime.

If she failed to comply with the judge’s unconstitutional order, her husband could have served 19 months in a state prison. If she complied, her husband would be sentenced to probation and walk out of the courtroom a free man.

“You have a choice,” the judge told her. “Your husband or your guns.”

“Can I have a minute?” she jokingly asked.

The events that led to Marok’s strange dilemma began years ago when her husband Ralph Marok was working for the Florida Department of Transportation.

Click the link to read the whole article:  your husband or your guns

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