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Friday, June 13, 2014

Gun Pron?

If you don't have your own blog, but do have some nice firearms, be they Historical, Tactical, Military, Police, Fine Hunting, or Works of Art, and you'd like to share them with everyone else.  Take some pictures of them and send them to me with the information about them.  I will edit them, crop them, edit out serial numbers if you ask, and post them here on the GBBL for everyone to see.

You do not have give any info which might identify yourself, you can use a nickname, handle, or just your first name and first letter of your last name or even just your initials.  If I can remember how to do it I will put a watermark on your photos showing that you own the copyright on them, not the GBBL*.  And I will make it somewhat obvious so someone cannot misuse your photos or use them without your permission**.  If someone does and you find them you can send the a DMCA and/or a licensing fee :)  But you must give the GBBL permission to post them here on the understanding that the photos will only be used here and not for any commercial reason.

I would like to start posting up some fine Gun Pron starting next month, about one or two a week.

So break out those cameras and send us your pics. (Even if it's only 1 or 2)

Please be sure to give a brief history of the firearms including any historical background.  Such as if you have a like new CMP Garand, write out how long you've had it, how well it shoots, you can even send it a pic of a target or two for it to show everyone how accurate it is.  Or maybe like me, you have an old beater shotgun or two.  Take some pics of them and give as much information about the firearm as you can and send them in.

And remember, the GBBL is here for everyone in the community, not just the firearm community.

* For watermarking I will need some type of name to use.  The watermark will run diagonally through the picture and will be rather transparent but it WILL be visible so no once can steal your pic and try to pass it off as their own.  So please tell me what name you would like me to use.

**  Please include the words, "I give The Gun Blog Black List Permission to Post my photos", when you send me the photos, so we can use your pics legally.


Keads said...

Oh, wow. I have a like new CMP Garand. Here. I grant the GBBL permission to use any text or photos on my Blog. I can send the photos, but I hack them pretty good for blog posting.

Mark/GreyLocke said...

Just send any photos you'd like to see posted. And I'll need the permission in the same mail as the photos to be legal.