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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Bias Exposed: Media Asks Gun-Control Groups How They Should Report Mass Shootings!? - Ammoland.com

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Gun-control activists want reporters to pledge in writing to cover gun violence their way.

Have you ever heard of The Trace? (www.thetrace.org)

It describes itself as the “only newsroom dedicated to reporting on gun violence.”

It has slick digital packages that are chockful of stories, photos, and videos, so it’s easy to confuse the Trace with an actual news website. [the Trace was orginaly inspired by the success of AmmoLand News.]

But a news website it is NOT.

The Trace was founded in 2015 by former New York City mayor and staunch gun-control advocate, Michael Bloomberg.

The Trace operates as the propaganda arm of Bloomberg’s anti-gun empire, which includes the astroturf (not grassroots) groups Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demanding Action, which the New York City billionaire also bankrolls.

Like his other groups, the Trace advocates for more restrictive gun laws, but their message is a lot slicker than the handmade signs carried by Demanding Moms and Everytown employees.

The Trace’s work resembles actual news stories. It was designed that way.

As a result, the legacy media frequently cites the Trace as a legitimate news source, without disclosing that it is a gun-control propaganda factory financed by Bloomberg.

The relationship between the Trace and the legacy media got even murkier recently, thanks to the Columbia Journalism Review – once a respected and well-regarded journalism think tank.

According to its website: “CJR’s mission is to be the intellectual leader in the rapidly changing world of journalism. It is the most respected voice on press criticism, and it shapes the ideas that make media leaders and journalists smarter about their work. Through its fast-turn analysis and deep reporting, CJR is an essential venue not just for journalists, but also for the thousands of professionals in communications, technology, academia, and other fields reliant on solid media industry knowledge.”

About a month ago, CJR convened a panel discussion “from across the industry to talk about how to improve gun-violence coverage in the country.”


Click the article to read the whole article:   Media Asks Gun-Control Groups


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