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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Urge Your Senators to Oppose Anti-Gun Nominee, David Chipman, for ATF Director - Ammoland.com

Washington, DC – -(AmmoLand.com)- On Wednesday, May 26th at 10:00 am EDT, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on President Biden’s nomination of anti-gun activist David Chipman to be the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The American Suppressor Association urges all supporters of suppressor rights, and anyone who values hearing safety, to contact your Senators immediately and urge them to oppose his confirmation.

There will be a hearing on Wednesday the 26th.

If approved by the Senate, Chipman will become the Bureau’s first permanent Director since B. Todd Jones resigned in 2015 in the wake of ATF’s attempted regulatory ban of M855 ammunition. As the politically appointed leader of ATF, Chipman would instantly become the most powerful anti-gun advocate in Washington. His ability to weaponize the Bureau against both the firearms industry and the Second Amendment would be unlike anything we have ever seen.

Simply put, we cannot allow David Chipman and his gun and suppressor-banning cronies to run ATF.

Chipman, who currently serves as the Senior Policy Advisor for the anti-gun Giffords group, has a repeated history of making false statements regarding the safety and efficacy of firearm suppressors.

In March of 2017, Chipman made his biased and uneducated position on suppressors clear when he stated;

“Anyone who has worked in law enforcement for as long as I have will tell you that silencers were not designed to protect hearing, they were designed to make it difficult for people to identify the sound of gunfire and locate active shooters. Pretending that silencers are only used for hearing protection is misleading and dangerous. Removing regulations that prevent these weapons from falling into the wrong hands threatens the safety of our communities and will make it more difficult for law enforcement officials to do their jobs.”

In reality, suppressors were invented specifically to reduce the sound signature of firearms in order to make the shooting experience a safer and more enjoyable endeavor.


Click the link to read the whole article:   Urge Your Senators


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