U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Joe Biden has a problem with gun control, and not the least part of his trouble is a report in Politico stating that “his pick to oversee the nation’s firearm regulations is stuck in limbo in the Senate.”
The nomination of gun control proponent David Chipman, now working as a senior policy advisor to the Giffords gun prohibition lobbying group, deadlocked in the Senate Judiciary Committee on an 11-11 vote, and it may take some parliamentary maneuvering to move the nomination to the Senate floor for consideration. Politico noted the Senate must vote to discharge the nomination, but currently, some Democrats reportedly have not made up their minds. The lineup includes Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va), Angus King (I-Maine), Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Jon Tester (D-MT).
Tester needs to read the political winds considering the scathing Op-Ed Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen authored last month in the Great Falls Tribune. Right up front, Knudsen, a Republican, was brutally direct, calling Chipman’s nomination “an attack on (the Second Amendment) and on the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding gun owners in Montana – and the U.S. Senate must vote against his confirmation.”
“Our state has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the nation,” Knudsen wrote. “Far beyond a hobby or even passion, firearms are a part of our heritage and everyday life. We use them to hunt, protect livestock, and provide peace of mind when law enforcement may be miles away. Mr. Chipman has a long history of involvement with and lobbying for organizations whose mission is to diminish the Second Amendment.”
Chipman’s nomination might move to the front burner any time, though with the Senate calendar showing lots of time off this month, it might not, either.
Click the link to read the whole article: Chipman Nomination ‘Stuck in Limbo’
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