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Saturday, September 25, 2021

California: Governor Newsom Signs Anti-Privacy Legislation - Ammoland.com

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Yesterday, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 173 into law, giving researchers access to a host of information on gun owners, including personally identifying information. Because AB 173 was passed as a budget trailer bill, the legislation takes effect immediately.  Governor Newsom is still considering SB 264, legislation to place further restrictions on Gun Shows in Orange County.  Please contact Gov. Newsom by calling (916) 445-2841, or by clicking the button below, to ask him to VETO SB 264.


Assembly Bill 173 requires that the California Department of Justice (DOJ) supply state information, including personally identifying information, to the UC Gun Violence Research Center at UC Davis, and allows the DOJ to provide this same information to certain non-profits and state agencies. This legislation creates grave privacy concerns, as well as concerns that this information could be provided to groups that create biased “research” to push gun control policies without actually researching root causes of violence.

Senate Bill 264 prohibits officers, employees, operators, lessees, or licensees of the 32nd District Agricultural Association from entering into any agreement to allow for the sale of any firearm, firearm parts, or ammunition on property or buildings that comprise the OC Fair and Event Center, or properties in Orange County and Costa Mesa that are owned, leased, operated, or occupied by the District. This imposes a one-size-fits-all restriction to prevent officials from deciding how to use venues. In addition, this prevents businesses from renting taxpayer-funded venues for lawful activities.

Again, please contact Gov. Newsom and ask him to VETO SB 264.


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