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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Most Discriminating Bill Ever?! No 2A If You Take These Medications?!? - Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

I am on a couple of these medications for both chronic migraines and chronic back pain, suffered from a broken back when I was 20. The conditions are so bad that after 35 years of working at the same steel manufacturing plant, I am no longer able to do manual labor, and am now on social security disability.
I will be 63 in June, so I won't be looking for a new skill like learning to code, etc.
The thing is, many of these medications are used off label for other conditions than the ones listed. Celebrex is the first one that comes to mind, since it is a very good one used for treating back problems or joint problems, often making them stop hurting enough to allow the person to continue working several years longer than they might have otherwise been able to, without surgery.
Wellbutrin is helpful for many issues with mild to severe depression or insomnia, which can accompany chronic pain, like with chronic near daily migraines. This helps keep people off of narcotic medications, which are not a good treatment for migraines anyway, but for many they have been the only treatment used.
Hippa laws are often not thought of until you really need them. In this case, they are really needed, and the government trying to force someone to give up their legal rights is simply wrong and should be illegal, if it isn't already. And shame on those who are pushing such an evil idea of using a person's attempt to get mentally healthy against them. First they blame the guns instead of the mental health of the person using them, and then they want to cause the person who seeks treatment of their mental health with even more harsh treatment by making them give their names and meds to the government to put them on a list of people not allowed to exercise their human rights.