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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

St. Louis and D.C. Show Gun Control Isn’t About Public Safety - Ammoland.com

 With many prominent government officials exhibiting a flagrant indifference to violent crime, it’s getting harder for anti-gun politicians to pretend that their gun control schemes are anything other than a means to harass law-abiding gun owners. Recent incidents from anti-gun jurisdictions St. Louis and the District of Columbia further illustrate this point.

In early July, the St. Louis NBC affiliate published text messages from Mayor Tishaura Jones obtained under the state’s Sunshine Law. In a text conversation with her father, Jones expressed doubts about the efficacy of gun control laws.

According to the station, Jones texted her father, “Chicago has strict gun laws as well but that doesn’t deter gun violence.” Jones put more faith in social programs, texting, “It’s about investing in the people.”

These once-private comments are a stark contrast to Jones’ public statements and actions. Jones is a co-chair of billionaire Michael Bloomberg front-group Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). MAIG, along with Moms Demand Action, are part of the Bloomberg gun control conglomerate Everytown for Gun Safety.

In this capacity, Jones has advocated for a raft of gun control measures. These include criminalizing private firearm transfers, restricting commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, and repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that prevents anti-gun jurisdictions and tort attorneys from putting the American firearms industry out of business with frivolous lawsuits.

The mayor also supported a “federal Red Flag law.” As enacted, red flag laws empower the government to confiscate a law-abiding person’s firearms without due process.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Gun Control Isn’t About Public Safety

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