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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Secret Lists, Disarmament & Military-Age Illegal Aliens, What Could Go Wrong? - Ammoland.com

 “The List”

Violent insurgencies worldwide have always carefully collected names and addresses of the “counter-revolutionaries.”

These names include the military (particularly the Spc Op Community), media, police, political officials and their families, and “reactionaries,” who have a history of boldly speaking out against Communism, socialism, and religious feudalism.

“The List” is carefully maintained, edited by the day, and is never cast away.

In the City of Hue, Vietnam, during the 1968 Tet Offensive, Viet Cong and NVA forces briefly took over the city.

During their short occupation (four weeks), Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.

There were a few brief “show trials,” but most residents of “The List” were hunted down and murdered the instant they were discovered.

Some were abducted and subsequently murdered, but most were murdered on the spot via gunfire, being burned alive, being buried alive, or being clubbed to death. Many were sexually battered and otherwise cruelly tortured prior to being murdered.

Numbers thus massacred will never be known, but surely include many thousands, including a good number of children and infants.

Of course, Hue massacre victims were unarmed, via government edict!

The 7 Oct 2023 Hamas attack/massacre in Israel was more sudden and not as specific, but the results and methods were eerily similar.

Once more, unarmed victims make massacres easy. World history, going back thousands of years, is replete with examples.

It makes one wonder if we should ever trust politicians, who themselves remain heavily protected by armed bodyguards, but who, in the same breath, self-righteously decree that we “ordinary” citizens are too stupid to own guns!

Click the link to read the whole article: Secret Lists, Disarmament & Military-Age Illegal Aliens

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