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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Guns Declared a Public Health Crisis - Liberty Doll

1 comment:

skybill said...

"BY WHO???????"
Please don't make me Laugh!!!!!,"HA!!!!"
Yeah Right!!
Now go down to your local Gun Shop In the Morning and watch People Buy Guns and Ammo then go to the "RANGE!!!"
At least around here!!!
If yer' in one of those libtardnogunareas.. well okfine...
Around here on a Sunday afternoon, you will smell "BAR-BQ" Meat and Fish on the grill... hear the caps pop on cold beer, and hear the sound of "GUNFIRE" as the local troops practice shooting tin cans and bottles down the pasture... GUN FIRE..... the sound of FREEDOM!!!!

Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat,