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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Shocking Bias Exposed: FBI NICS Background Checks Unfairly Denies Minority Gun Buyers! - Ammoland.com

 In 2022, at an impactful House Judiciary Committee hearing, Representative Thomas Massie rigorously challenged the sweeping gun control measures proposed by President Biden, specifically the push to ban all semi-automatic weapons—a classification that encompasses the majority of firearms owned today.

This robust discourse highlights a vital conversation about not just the broad implications of such a ban but also the intricate issues surrounding the Federal background checks, as detailed by expert Dr. John Lott.

Dr. Lott’s testimony reveals a disturbing trend within the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Despite the claimed intended purpose of preventing prohibited individuals from acquiring firearms, the system exhibits a significant flaw—racial disparity in the denial rates of legal firearm purchases. His research indicates that an overwhelming majority of initial denials, approximately 99%, are errors, disproportionately affecting Hispanic and Black males due to phonetic similarities in names within racial groups.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Bias Exposed: FBI NICS Background Checks 

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