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Friday, March 21, 2025

Minnesota Bill Would Ban Transfer of Semi-automatic Firearms - Ammoland.com

 In 2024, a bill was introduced into the Minnesota legislature that would ban many semi-automatic rifles. The bill was similar to the President Clinton-era “assault rifle” ban. A related bill, HF3628,  did not pass out of the legislature in the last legislative session. In 2025, a new bill, Senate File SF1596/House File HF2449, takes a somewhat similar approach. The bill adds some new twists and turns. The new bill was introduced on February 20, 2025, and posted on February 25, 2025.

SF1596/HF2449 takes a different approach than HF3628 did. HF3628 banned the possession of a large number of rifles, pistols, and some shotguns. SF1596/HF2449 does not ban possession of the affected firearms, at least not right away. Instead, the bill bans the sale or transfer of these firearms. They are not allowed to be transferred as part of an estate or even to be transferred out of state. The idea is to prevent any new sale of the banned firearms and to gradually remove them from legitimate ownership in the state of Minnesota.

The major exception is that agents of the state may transfer such firearms to other agents of the state, defined as government officers, agents, employees, members of the armed forces of the United States, or peace officers, for official use by the recipient. No private citizens need apply.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Minnesota Ban Transfer of Semi-automatic Firearms

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